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Interpreting Wine Podcast

Jun 28, 2023

Special link: 


I’m Lawrence Francis, Host of Interpreting Wine, welcoming you to a special episode focusing on the WSET Diploma D3, D4 and D5 Theory Exams. 

Today, Anne McHale MW covers the seven most commonly made exam mistakes based on her extensive analysis of the most recent...

Jun 27, 2023

We close out the Cava series today in the company of Eva Plazas Torné of Vilarnau

(00:00:08) Episode intro

(00:01:30) Eva Plazas Torné Origin Story

Changes in the CAVA region over time

Climate change

Grape varieties in CAVA


Organic Viticulture

Virtual tour of region

Drought mitigation and winemaking


Jun 21, 2023

I’m Lawrence Francis, Host of Interpreting Wine, welcoming you to the Cava Special Series.. Across these 2 episodes recorded in March and May 2023 we’ll be exploring the modern Cava scene in the company of 2 producers. Guests chosen to reflect a range of locations, production scales and philosophies. Undoubtedly the...